Ariafire Profilové údaje

Seeking something profound
Žena Hledám A Muž
Věk 51 z Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Online - 6 dní zpátky
Prohlédni si všech obrázků


    Hovořím: Angličtina
    Sebe bych popsal(a) jako: Gothy Pagan seeking a long term partner.

    Music stirs my senses in so many ways. I attend shows when I am able, retro and goth themed events - preferably with a playlist I can dance to. I do not exclusively listen to goth music though...I enjoy it along with many other styles. (Faith and the Muse, Dead Can Dance, Peter Murphy if I had to choose favorites). But, I listen to many styles. Primarily Darkwave-Electronic, Dark Ambient, Goth, Industrial, Celtic, 80s/ 80s Synthpop with a sprinkling of Classical and some older Classic Rock & Metal.)

    I practice my spirituality with a local group, friends and at larger events (when I can attend them). Interested in occult material: Wiccan (eclectic) and Celtic, Norse traditions, and some Eastern mysticism.

    I welcome adventure, interesting discussions and new perspective. I appreciate people who are decently self-aware and compassionate/empathetic. Offer me new experiences and hopefully I will do the same for you. I see the purpose of life as immersing ourselves fully in unfolding experiences and working to become better versions of ourselves. Also, I desire the beauty of mutual respect, companionship and eventual deep love, eroticism and intimacy with the right person.
    Přihlásit: Panna

Vzhled a situace

    Má postava je: Dobře vyvinuté
    Má výška je: 1,7 m
    Barva mých očí: Zelená
    Můj původ je: Běloch/běloška
    Můj rodinný stav je: Singl
    Mám děti: Ne
    Chci děti: Nejsem si jist(a)
    Body Art: Piercing...ale pouze na uších, Viditelné tetování
    Barva mých vlasů: Kaštanová / červená
    Mám jedno nebo více z uvedených: Kočka
    Ochotný/ochotná se přestěhovat: Ne

Více o jí

    Jaká je tvá oblíbená skupina?: Faith and the Muse, Dead Can Dance, Peter Murphy if I had to choose. But, I listen to many styles. Primarily Darkwave/Electronic, Dark Ambient, Goth, Neo folk, Industrial, Celtic, 80th Synthpop with a sprinkling of Classical, some specific older metal.
    Kdo je tvůj oblíbený autor?: Ursula LeGuin, N.K. Jemisin, Robert Jordan, Sarah Maas, older Anne Rice. I recently finished To Sleep In a Sea of Stars by Paolini and loved it. I listen to lots of audio books while commuting and the subjects vary - I love a book that makes me think or delivers a new perspective. Occult material.


    Má úroveň vzdělání je: Vysokoškolský diplom
    Můj současný stav zaměstnání je: Na plný úvazek
    Mé zaměření je: Jiné
    Název mého zaměstnání je: Asst Manager at a natural food store
    To si vydělám za rok: $60,000USD až $74,999USD
    Žiji: Sám/sama, S domácími mazlíčky
    Jsem kuřák: Ne
    Piji: Ano - ve společnosti


    Mé zájmy a koníčky jsou: Náboženství / spiritualita, Rodina, Vzdělávání, Hudba, Hry, Tanec, Vaření, Hraní karet, Kempování
    Má představa skvěle stráveného času je: Potloukat se s přáteli, Vyzkoušet nové věci, Kluby / bary, Čtení knihy, Jít na koncert, Jít do muzea
    Ideální první rande by bylo: A walk in a park. Dinner and drinks. Exploring an interesting local museum/site. Coffee and conversation. Meeting up at an event. Any of these things.


    Mé náboženství je: Jiné
    Můj životní cíl je: To travel to Tuscany and Greece to see ancient sites(going with my closest friend to Greece and Italy next year). Visit a rainforest. See the Pacific Northwest (I drove from Portland to Northern California several years ago.
    It was stunning. I want to see places north of there).
    Travel to Ireland and Wales. Find a house with enough land to host events outside.
    Můj smysl humoru je: Chytrý, Suchý / sarkastický, Přátelská osoba


    Když čtu, tak nejraději čtu: Fantasy, Horror, O přírodě, Filozofické, Náboženské, Vědecké, Science fiction, Erotické, Nadpřirozeno
    Má představa zábavy je: I love hiking and exploring beautiful places - I enjoy the woods just as much as a creek side trail, a meadow or the beach. Camping, traveling or just walking around an interesting urban location locally works for me too. Also, I have a passion for observing winged things (birds) in the wild....I will sometimes plan a trip or walk to a specific park or area to observe ones to add to my list. I can also be content sitting and reading, watching a show or movie.

    I also like museums, gathering with a group of like minded friends, going to goth clubs or synthpop/80's events to dance.

    Also into board, deckbuilding and R.P. gaming; Ren Faires, Celtic events and Cons (Faerie Con , gothy & alternative music cons).


    Co považuješ za atraktivní?: Důvtip, Koketnost, Spontánnost, Zvláštnosti, Troufalost, Citlivost, Empatii, Skvělé dovednosti, Humor, Ohleduplnost, Inteligenci
    Co hledáš?: I would prefer that you live relatively close by, have enough of the same interests for compatibility and want to go to local and semi-local events when possible. You are also just as okay with a quiet night with drinks and conversation.

    I work as a manager in a natural food & supplements store and majored in Ecology. Based on that please at least have an appreciation and respect for those aspects. I am not vegetarian/vegan.

    I don't have children but enjoy spending time with my siblings' and friends' children. I am fine with someone who has them.
    Jaký typ vztahu hledáš?: Partner na randění, Odevzdaný/á
