Gelatinousprime Informațiile profilului

Bărbat În căutare de Femeie
Vârstă 54 Din Libertyville, Illinois
Online - Cu 2 săptămâni în urmă
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Informații de bază

    Vorbesc : Engleză
    Mă descriu ca : I would like to know if the content here provides some insight about ‘The Me’. I would like to know how you would envision a typical day with your partner. I would like to know if the variety of my interests and experiences bent inside a Gothic envelope would affect the opening in your mind. I would like to know if age differences whether older or younger are or may be of issue. I would like to know what you want to know about me and my life. I will tell you that with honesty that I am single/divorced, available and here in pursuit of a long-term relationship. I will tell you that I am a compassionate and loving man having had many albeit unsuccessful relationships. I will tell you that each relationship has provided me with additional insight and wisdom that have aided in subsequent partnerships. I will tell you that at least for me, in addition to constant replenishing and redefining of physical attraction, relationships require continuous effort and are labor intensive because we try to meld our lives and lifestyles into a recipe for mutual contentment. Most do not want to undertake this challenge. They seek easy and arrive at the same result. Easy is the unequivocal prescription for ending. Always! I will tell you if you and I are compatible including individual differences to accept or reconcile, we will be content, fulfilled and even perhaps self-actualized, if you are brave enough. I certainly am. Contentment is what I strive for. It is the consequence of my ambitions, curiosities, motivations, internal energy known as Qi , love and lust for life. All these components combined for me translates into happiness. I would like to know if these things translate into ‘The You’.
    Zodie: Balanță

Aspect și situația

    Caracteristica mea cea mai bună este : Ochi
    Am mai multe de asta : Fără animale de companie
    Dispus să mă mut : Nu

Mai multe despre el

    Ce gen de muzică vă place cel mai mult? : Altele


    Specializarea mea este: Cercetare / Știința / Inginerie


    Scopul meu în viață este : Completion.
